Grade #2 Quality Mixed Used Shoes
Don't sacrifice quality, just because of price!
At Bata Enterprises, we excel at ensuring that no matter your price point or quality preference, every used shoe that leaves our warehouse is hand-sorted for quality. That means ensuring that every shoe in our Grade #2 bins is wearable and clean, no matter what.
Here at Bata, we believe that there's no such thing is "too good" of a quality in a used shoe. When we get our bundles of used shoes, even when those bundles number in the tens of thousands, we don't compromise on finding the quality that works for you.
That means that we don't just stop at "close enough." We keep going, searching through thousands of pairs of used shoes to ensure that when we ship a grade #2 used shoe bundle, it's quality that we can stand behind.
If you're tired of making quality sacrifices for your price range, and want to start ensuring that every shoe you order is quality, no matter what, then fill out our form, and get a quote for our used shoe bundles today.
In a bag of Africa grade #2 mixed used shoes, you can expect to receive:
- 5 pairs of sports shoes (men & women)
- 4 pairs of men's dress shoes
- 10 pairs of children's shoes
- And an assortment of ladies' shoes
In an average 50 pound bag (23 kilograms), you can expect to receive between 48-52 correctly-paired sets of shoes. However, as shown in the video, we will continue to fill the bag until it meets our weight standard.